Monday, November 17, 2008

Amusing anecedotes from the annals of Adam...

Life happens at such a fast pace, that often something happens and I think "oh, I should blog that!", but when I finally find the time to sit down and do it, I think "so - what happened that was so blog-able?" Thus it is that I blogged yesterday without including the following:

So, as Adam gets a little older (he'll be 16 months on Friday) and approaches nursery age at church, I've been cautiously optimistic about the transition because my intrepid little daredevil has been ever-so-slightly getting clingy to me. So, I've already been contemplating the transition (only to find out yesterday that they encourage transitioning 6 weeks prior to the 18-month-mark...).

Well, while I was contemplating the transition yesterday, Mr. Adam took it upon himself to simply walk right in to Nursery and make himself at home. They shut the door behind him and included him in the lesson and playtime. I'm sure he was pretty much sold on it once they pulled out the snack...

Oddly enough, as I peeked through the window on him to see how he was doing - I discovered two things: 1) It might be Adam's mommy who is having a harder time with this transition than he is (even now I'm about to start bawling over the fact that my baby isn't so much a baby anymore!) and 2) they must have some kind of drug that they use on those kids! I couldn't believe it when 40 minutes after he walked into nursery, there he sat - hands folded, in a chair, watching as Sister Wachter told a story. Not budging - not flinching - not anything except sitting calmly and hanging on her every word!

How will I survive nursery when its official and for the full TWO hours?!?

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