Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Our 5th Anniversary... a little early...

A lot has happened in the month since I last blogged! I really need to stay on top of it!

First of all - thank you for the many, many prayers said in our behalf! It really paid off last week when David got the job he's been interviewing and preparing intensely for! He begins two weeks of training in Des Moines on Oct 5, and then he'll be off and running. Prayers for his success would be appreciated, as well, as I have put in my resignation at work and will be happily jobless as of Dec 21!

Last night, David surprised me with giving me my anniversary present a little early: a diamond band to accompany my wedding ring! I was stunned and thrilled, of course. When we got engaged, I had intentionally picked out a ring that functioned both as engagement and wedding ring, but over the years kind of missed having a more "complete" set of an engagement band and wedding band. I had mentioned this to him some time ago, and as a 5th anniversary gift, he got me an accompanying wedding band!

Adam keeps learning and growing at an alarming rate (alarming for his mommy, anyway!). His biggest new favorite is to say the prayer. He LOVES saying prayers and really warms your heart with it. It's stinkin' cute.

He also surprised me last Sunday when, while eating fruit loops for breakfast, started identifying each "loop" by color and shape. He'd hold them up for me and announce "geen circle" and sure enough, it was a green fruit loop! Purple and orange occasionally elude him, but otherwise, he's pretty much right on the rest of them! Where did he learn that?!?

His vocabulary is getting more and more extensive everyday - to the point that he'll mimic a word I say or that he hears on TV. It's made us more conscientious, of course! The funny thing, is, I refer to him as my little "rain man" because when he locks onto a word/phrase/or concept, he'll repeat it over and over to complete exhaustion (me). For example, the highlight of his week last week was taking a 2 block bus ride on Grandma Bryan's schoolbus last week. For the next 48 hours all we heard was "grandma bus" or "yellow bus" or "big bus." It really made an impression!

And - baby bean keeps growing well, too! at 146 beats per minute, it seems I have another kid completely non-commital to any old wives tales about the heartrate/gender connection. Oh well, we may find out in 8 weeks, though I haven't committed myself to finding out at the ultrasound, yet. We'll see...