Monday, March 22, 2010

Out of the mouths of babes...

Oh the logic of a two-year-old… Unfortunately for me, it’s usually pretty sound. We have a pretty smart kid. I’m not sure where he comes up with this stuff, but enjoy it when he does. : )

A couple of weeks ago, we were feeding the missionaries at zone conference, and as I was in charge of the money, I was trying to figure out the reimbursement for those who had done the shopping. I was given four $50 bills and needed to make change out of one of them, but of course, who has change for a $50 bill? Adam piped right up and said, “somebody rich.”

Why would he know that?

Of course, a day or two before that, we went to visit a sister in our branch who’s been stuck at work at Burger King every single day for nearly two months, now. So we went to cheer her up. While we were there, he started crawling on the ground like he was looking for something. I asked him what he was doing and he replied that he was “looking for money.” Oh – a kid after my own heart! Unfortunately, his efforts got him nowhere except a free meal…

He’s pretty doggone smart, though, and just about everyone we meet is pretty amazed at his vocabulary and gift for gab. He will talk your ears off, but since he’s usually got something interesting to say, it’s worth a listen… He knows his upper-case alphabet pretty well (he gets a little tripped up on the “V, Y, and X”) and I haven’t been actively teaching him (homeschooling is going to be a BREEZE with this kid!), is pretty solid on numbers 1-20, and just has a total thirst for learning.

Recently, though, he began “seeing” someone in the corner of our basement. I was concerned that there really was someone there that he said was a “nice guy” but occasionally he would run to David or I acting a little spooked by the “nice guy.” But he was consistent about the location of the “nice guy” – so much so that my mother-in-law even starting breaking out pictures of dead relatives and asking him if he recognized any of them.

Then, last Monday during Family Home Evening, David went downstairs to print off a couple of pages for our activity (the “nice guy” apparently sat on the printer) when Adam asked me if I “heard it.” I told him “yes” to which he replied that it was the “nice guy” talking. After some probing Adam told me that the nice guy was the printer. I’m still wary, but somewhat confident that we have an imagination at work rather than an ability for little children to see spirits. Mostly confident, anyway…

We had fun in Family Home Evening last week. David really is a champion teacher and comes up with great activities. We made origami bunnies. Of course, he also found plans for an origami Stegosaurus (Adam’s dinosaur of choice these days), and a Star Trek Enterprise origami spaceship, but those both proved beyond our skills at reading origami instructions. However, I’m now all inspired to get to work on those flower balls that my sister-in-law, Cristiane, made.

This week we start potty-training boot camp. Pray for both of us! : ) I’d rather have the baby, but we’ll see what she decides to do…

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