Thursday, February 25, 2010

Mystery Solved.

I went for my regular check-up with my midwife today. It seems that there is a reason that I have a sort of quarter-sized bruise looking thing above my belly button. And that it's connected to my painful contractions-that-weren't-exactly-labor-type-contractions on Monday night. And that, when I looked at my profile in the mirror on Tuesday night was surprised that 1) the baby no longer seemed to be "dropped" as we had excitedly noticed last Saturday, and that 2) I thought I even looked bigger. David confirmed that I did seem bigger in my mid-section. And finally, that I was profoundly more tired. Not only is there a reason for all of this, it's all due to one thing:

Baby went breech on me!

I told the midwife about Monday night's events. She felt around my tummy and remarked, "yep - that's what I wondered. Her head is up here under your ribs." So, she gave me several exercises to do each day (including placing a bag of frozen peas on her head - supposedly it's quite effective because the baby doesn't like the cold on her head like that and will move away from it). I'm totally NOT looking forward to experiencing the feeling of her turning, again, but at the same time, I'll be glad when it happens. So long as she doesn't flip back into a breech position afterwards, anyway.

So - prayers are welcomed. I'm not worried about it at all, but since Heavenly Father has answered stranger requests, I'm certain He'll help with this one, too. It's not the end of the world if she is breech - it's just a lot easier if she was in the proper position... Thanks!

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