Friday, February 27, 2009

It's all fun and games until someone loses a balloon...

I have to admit - I've got the greatest kid around. I came home from a day-long support staff retreat for work yesterday with a punch-balloon in hand (they'd used it for decoration) knowing that a certain ball-obsessed kid would probably appreciate it. Sure enough, when I got him up from his nap (forgetting that the punch-balloon was in the living room chair waiting for him), he went running into the living room, stopped dead in his tracks, yelled "BALL!", and ran straight to it as if it was the greatest thing he'd ever seen in his little life! (And, maybe it was...) That kid played with the balloon for the next 6 hours until bedtime - - he wouldn't even eat his dinner!

I had a tense moment, though, when his balloon got too close to the cactus. For his first birthday, he got a punch balloon. It lasted about 20 minutes until the cactus made it explode. Talk about a melt-down! He kept handing me the pieces of it over and over, sobbing the whole time, expecting me to be able to mend it. This time, though, I have back-up just in case it comes to an untimely demise! Of course, I don't have pics of him playing with it, but will tonight. I'll just attach other pics to help you get your fill.

Here is the Tardis cake (Doctor Who series) I made for my friend, Tabby. By the time we got to eat it, it was more like the "leaning tower of Tardis" - but she seemed pretty delighted nonetheless...

Adam getting his fill of Tardis birthday cake. Mommy said "no blue frosting", but daddy slipped him some when she wasn't looking. He CLAIMS he didn't hear me...

Adam really liked the feel of blue frosting being SQUEEZED between his fingers. He then got the brilliant idea to rub his hands together like he does to suds up the soap and rub the frosting in his hair like shampoo! (You can't really tell much from the picture, but it was all over in his hair and ears!)

Finger-lickin' delicious!


"Get away from my cake, man. I need my fix!"

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