Friday, February 27, 2009

Boys and their noise!

Um... yeah - -I dedicate this to my sister-in-law's blog (she wrote my my nephew giggles when he makes a bodily function noise). And then I remembered another Adam-ism this week. He was sitting in his high chair and would pass a little bit of gas - then giggle. Apparently the giggle "shut off" the gas-passing mechanism, because he would have a little more gas pass and giggle again. This continued about 5 or 6 times in quick succession and while he thought he was all alone. I was hiding around the corner both bemused and amused that at such a young age they've already figured out the fun noises the mortal body makes!


Anonymous said...

Oh no, so you mean this is somehow innate. The horror!

Katie Evans said...

This one we can't even blame on their dads...boys must come pre-programed! :)