Happy Valentine's Day! I'm re-resolving my New Year's Resolutions and making them Valentine's Resolutions. That means - back to blogging! I hereby resolve to keep you posted on our many goings-ons in our family at least on a weekly basis!

I like to say "I love you" in dark chocolate ganache and cherry preserves-filled devil's food cake...

Adam loves decorating sugar cookies and got to decorate this particular batch at Grandma Bryan's. He was given permission to eat only ONE cookie as a treat. Guess which one he picked?

I got to watch my neice, Lylia, on Valentine's Day. Grandma Bryan brought each kid a mylar balloon with this caterpillar tied to the bottom. Adam quickly turned his balloon into a weapon (it's in time out until tomorrow...).

Adam's balloon

Lylia and Julianna had matching balloons.
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