Monday, October 12, 2009


Yesterday was Stake Conference, so like all good little Mormons, we went! It was relatively uneventful except for one little munchkin who, after the opening prayer, practically screamed "AMEN!" That threw everyone in our row and around us into "hidden" laughter - but it was so unexpected - what could you do? Unfortunately, the first part of the meeting was largely short talks and testimonies, so there were lots of "Amens" to be said - thankfully not quite as exuberantly as the first - but enough so that when I had the opportunity and knew an "Amen" was coming - I quickly grabbed him and put my hand over his mouth. After a moment or two after the muffled sounds quit, I removed my hand only to have him make up for lost "Amens." Oi! At least he knows to even say "Amen," right?

Where does he come up with this stuff?
I find myself echoing my sister-in-law with her kids - Where in the world does he come up with this stuff?

A few weeks ago, during David's final piano lesson of the day, Adam began walking back-and-forth along the railing above the stairs to the piano studio yelling, "Daddy - oh DAD-dy!"

Yesterday he did something on the way home from church that had David and I bemusedly wondering about our kid - - And I'm trying to wrack my brain about what that was (I really need to carry a notebook around with me all of the time!)

But the one that about killed me - - last Saturday evening, I was changing a stinky diaper. While I had him in the most "proper" position for cleaning off the "ickies," he lifted his head up to observe what was going on. While I was still cleaning him off, out of the corner of my eye I could see him point and heard him say "pumpkin." Wondering if I was seeing things right, I looked up and asked him where the pumpkin was. Again, he pointed where I thought he pointed and proudly proclaimed "pumpkin."

Where does he get this stuff from?!?

1 comment:

Cristiane said...

Oh I can't wait to have those kind of stories to tell! For now I'll enjoy Adam's, Maddie's and Lyndon's :)

Did you keep David's poem?! hehe

I found SO MANY post it notes with Michael's thoughts in his drawer, that I've been gluing them in his notebook so they don;t get lost.

I sometimes ask him, why he wrote some of those thoughts and he has no idea why hahaha and laughs about his own piece of writing