Last night was my first exposure to firing a rifle. (Don't worry - Adam was safely locked away in the house playing with his toys.) It's ... well it's hard to describe. I've been just as indoctrinated as anyone with no experience or exposure to guns except for the latest media tagline, however, even in my scant amount of education, I'm beginning to understand, and have a great deal of respect for the difficulty in gun "accidents." The truest gun accident (where there was zero malicious intent) is the result of profound stupidity, in my opinion. Ahhh, but I digress.
So, my first shots ever fired (with a .222 rifle) were perfect. I assumed a prone position (oddly enough, ballet helped with maintaining the "proper" stance), looked through the scope, and fired. I was totally bummed because the can was still standing on the log we'd set it up on (about 30 yards away). So, I looked through the scope again to try a second time and that's when I saw it, a perfect and clean hole right through the center of the can. I'd hit it! But it didn't even flinch off of the log! (Impressive since we'd had a hard time balancing them on the log in the first place!) So, I took aim for the second can and fired. It didn't flinch, either, but when I looked through the scope found I nailed it, too! Impressed, my "instructor" (our friend and neighbor, Joe) took his turn at the cans and missed!
Beginner's luck or really good scope? Who cares? I'm just impressed with myself. I can't tell if David is impressed or frightened. :)

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