...or so I'm told. : )
Obviously, by the lack of posting, March was an excruciatingly busy month!
Last weekend was the event of the year for me work-wise: it was the Conference I've been part of planning since last June. I laugh when I remember how the students first came to us and proposed that a regional conference involving 3 or 4 medical schools within driving distance take place last Labor Day weekend. They were expecting 20 people or so to show up for a day. Even if that happened, it was too soon to consider Labor Day for a target date. Having it right after spring break nearly killed us!
When all was said and done, our planned regional meeting turned national, then international with the addition of 4 students from Canada registering, and finally "global" when a faculty member from the University of Melbourne in Australia registered! We ended up not with 20 people, but 208 people plus an additional 30 VIPs showing up for the $30,000 banquet on Saturday night! If you thought I was exhausted after the mayhem - you're only half-right!
But, it's a great line for the CV. Both seasoned and novice conference goers raved about the ease and the welcome feeling of the conference, facilities, etc! I'm not thinking that conference planning is a career I intend to pursue, however.
I am, however, getting more involved with community efforts and enrichment stuff. I've been assembling a working e-mail list of our Congress so we can enjoy a cyber-tea party on April 15. If you're interested in joining in, watch your e-mail the day before or day of - I'll be sending out the information at that time.
I've also been forming a "Back to Basics" enrichment group. We'll learn whatever we want - crocheting, soap making, spinning, quilting - whatever that will enable us to be more self-sufficient minded or do some good in the world, community, our families, whatever. I'm way excited. In fact - I'm extra excited by the shooting and deer hunt we plan to go on! I can just picture it now - a whole relief society group out for our first deer hunt!
As for the kid (since I know that's what you all REALLY come here for!) - He's fantastic - until he's fantastically frustrated about something that frustrates almost-two-year-olds! We're trying to keep up and get creative with various effective discipline tactics. Other than having him pick up after himself when he's flung his food all over, we'd appreciate any tips and suggestions. I do have some uber cute video of him that I'll be uploading this weekend when my laptop is near some high-speed internet.
I have discovered the value of lots of outside play time, though, now that the weather is getting nice. I've learned to put clothes on him that I wouldn't care about getting muddy since playing in the muddy spots and dirt piles seems to soothe his soul faster than any other outdoor activity. His second favorite? Bubbles! And he's pretty adept at saying so, too! It's my favorite activity because it's more interactive between the two of us than a pile of dirt.
He's funny, too, because he's seeing balls everywhere he goes these days. Every propane tank is a ball - - and I think traffic lights are, too, because there is one spot in Blair that usually has him proclaiming "Ball".
Another fun game: mimicking mommy. He is a great mimicker. Of course, when he's doing Yoga with me, daddy is a little horrified, but of course, I think it's C-U-T-E! He'll also mimic me when I say certain things: "hey you", "yo", and of course all of the animals sounds followed by an emphatic "yi-yi-yo" (e-i-e-i-o). :)
Watch for epic videos and pics posted later this weekend!