Last night, he was extra-special good during dinner. He ate all of his dinner without fussing or refusing to eat. David and I enjoyed a pleasant and quiet meal. After cleaning up dinner, I gave Adam a few M&Ms as a little treat, then twisted up the open end of the bag and put them back on the table. Then I walked away.
I was gone from the kitchen less than a minute and this was what I saw:

It looks innocent enough, except that I was surprised to find him sitting on the kitchen chair. Of course, he was sitting quietly because he was deep in M&M bliss!

Does it look a little too messy for M&Ms? Well, here's what happened so far as I can tell... I gave him M&Ms (his FAVORITE). They were the mini-baking kind. I put the bag back on the table and walked away. He decided that he wanted more, and, being the big boy that he is - helped himself.
He pulled out daddy's chair from the table, climbed up, and found that he didn't need to get the bag, after all - there were M&Ms right there for the taking on the cookies that mommy just decorated! Wahoo!
So - instead of eating the cookie, he proceeded to pick off the M&Ms - first with his teeth (hence the chocolate around his mouth), and then with his fingers! I LOVED it! Of course, when he was done with the cookie pictured, I did draw the line at going after the rest of them (which he did attempt). Enjoy! I did!

This is hilarious! I love that he went for the ones on the cookies first.
Hey - it's the law of nature: the path of least resistance. Which way does a river flow? down. Which M&Ms to eat? whatever is closest. In this case, cookies.
He makes mother nature and his own mama proud!
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