Okay, maybe not, but here's the video I promised to post...
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
The things I love...and a few that I don't
There are things I love. I'm not talking the deep and meaningful things like life, my family and such. I mean the superficial things that for one reason or another just trip my trigger. Here's a working, and in no way complete, list...
1. At the top of the list, today, is Facebook. I was perusing the activities of my friends (updated profile pics, posted items, etc.) when I saw that a darling friend of mine had a newly posted album from the work she does in Iraq (civilian, not military.) So, I started perusing. I can't help it. I live vicariously through her work in the Middle East. If she is reading this, yes, I think she is the biggest super-stud EVER!
As I was perusing, I came across the following pic:

I did a double take. I did a triple take. I thought, "can it be that my worlds are colliding? Is that a picture of Elisha with a bunch of military guys - and is that my cousin, John in the middle? Golly - it looks like him if he grew a moustache..."
So, I asked her right away - and sure enough, somewhere in Iraq in the middle of the night is a friend of mine laughing, too, because somehow our paths have crossed, again!
2. I loved the recent series, "Momma's Boys." Such mindless entertainment! I don't usually go for that kind of thing. First of all, most TV bores me. Secondly, 'reality' TV bores me more than regular TV. And things that bore me annoy me. Thirdly I just don't get into cultural phenomena all that much. It's almost as if the more society says I just have to love something, the less inclined I am to participate (mommy must breathe a sigh of relief to know that peer pressure has the exact OPPOSITE effect on me! - - may I be blessed to have children exactly like me!)
I can proudly say that I have never seen "Titanic" or "Forrest Gump" for those exact reasons.
So, leave it to me with the overdeveloped sense of propriety to get hooked on something as wacky as "Momma's Boys" - but I did. I watched the first episode by accident, found out that it was only going to be 6 episodes long, and got hooked. But I have to say a couple of things about it. First of all, I can't believe there is a population of young ladies out there willing to behave the way they were on the show. Obviously the show was after ratings and probably targeted the biggest low-lifes out there, but nonetheless. I really developed a love for the shelter I live in!
But I had to cheer when the good girl got the prize! Go Mindy for sticking up for yourself and yay to Jojo for making the right decision and picking the girl instead of your headcase momma.
The things I don't love?
My Nintendo DS Lite. I got it as a "thank you" for some volunteer work that I do. It was a grand gift, but after having it in my clutches and getting minorly hooked on "Virus Buster" - I've determined that it totally bores me. I'd rather get lost in my books and herbs. So, I'm selling it. Believe me - I gave it a chance. When I first got it, I just stared at it for days wondering what the heck I was going to do with it. Then my mom loaned me some of her favorite games to show me what great potential it had. I had a fun with the games a couple of times, but soon found that well, I was bored. So, I'm selling it. I'll be listing it on Craigslist unless someone near and dear wants it. It's a pretty metallic pink and almost unused.
I know. I'm a social anomaly. I'm not ashamed. :)
1. At the top of the list, today, is Facebook. I was perusing the activities of my friends (updated profile pics, posted items, etc.) when I saw that a darling friend of mine had a newly posted album from the work she does in Iraq (civilian, not military.) So, I started perusing. I can't help it. I live vicariously through her work in the Middle East. If she is reading this, yes, I think she is the biggest super-stud EVER!
As I was perusing, I came across the following pic:

I did a double take. I did a triple take. I thought, "can it be that my worlds are colliding? Is that a picture of Elisha with a bunch of military guys - and is that my cousin, John in the middle? Golly - it looks like him if he grew a moustache..."
So, I asked her right away - and sure enough, somewhere in Iraq in the middle of the night is a friend of mine laughing, too, because somehow our paths have crossed, again!
2. I loved the recent series, "Momma's Boys." Such mindless entertainment! I don't usually go for that kind of thing. First of all, most TV bores me. Secondly, 'reality' TV bores me more than regular TV. And things that bore me annoy me. Thirdly I just don't get into cultural phenomena all that much. It's almost as if the more society says I just have to love something, the less inclined I am to participate (mommy must breathe a sigh of relief to know that peer pressure has the exact OPPOSITE effect on me! - - may I be blessed to have children exactly like me!)
I can proudly say that I have never seen "Titanic" or "Forrest Gump" for those exact reasons.
So, leave it to me with the overdeveloped sense of propriety to get hooked on something as wacky as "Momma's Boys" - but I did. I watched the first episode by accident, found out that it was only going to be 6 episodes long, and got hooked. But I have to say a couple of things about it. First of all, I can't believe there is a population of young ladies out there willing to behave the way they were on the show. Obviously the show was after ratings and probably targeted the biggest low-lifes out there, but nonetheless. I really developed a love for the shelter I live in!
But I had to cheer when the good girl got the prize! Go Mindy for sticking up for yourself and yay to Jojo for making the right decision and picking the girl instead of your headcase momma.
The things I don't love?
My Nintendo DS Lite. I got it as a "thank you" for some volunteer work that I do. It was a grand gift, but after having it in my clutches and getting minorly hooked on "Virus Buster" - I've determined that it totally bores me. I'd rather get lost in my books and herbs. So, I'm selling it. Believe me - I gave it a chance. When I first got it, I just stared at it for days wondering what the heck I was going to do with it. Then my mom loaned me some of her favorite games to show me what great potential it had. I had a fun with the games a couple of times, but soon found that well, I was bored. So, I'm selling it. I'll be listing it on Craigslist unless someone near and dear wants it. It's a pretty metallic pink and almost unused.
I know. I'm a social anomaly. I'm not ashamed. :)
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Our little Mozart!

Adam sneaks a chance to play the piano every chance he gets! I'm going to sit him at the Clavinova this weekend so that we can actually record his first "concert" to save for when he's older and a musical genius! It's the kind of thing that I think would be great to have for a high school graduation or something... I did get video the other day... I'll post that soon.

Christmas memories...
I got a new digital camera and camcorder for Christmas and have been duly warned that it better mean lots more photos and videos posted to our family blog. Here's the first installment. : ) (the header photo is a picture of Christmas using the panoramic assist)
Adam and Lyndon (my nephew who is two months older than Adam) in their matching Christmas jammies (Thanks, Gramma-E).

Sharing M&Ms...

Still Eating...

Did I mention that Adam LOVES M&Ms?

Oops... someone cut off his M&M supply!

Nice bedhead! (A little too much toddler-Christmas cheer?)

Daddy made his new hat!
Adam and Lyndon (my nephew who is two months older than Adam) in their matching Christmas jammies (Thanks, Gramma-E).

Sharing M&Ms...

Still Eating...

Did I mention that Adam LOVES M&Ms?

Oops... someone cut off his M&M supply!

Nice bedhead! (A little too much toddler-Christmas cheer?)

Daddy made his new hat!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009
My favorite images - Summer!
It's the end of the world as we know it!
I typed all of this out last week, only to have it disappear into the expanse of the world wide web, so wish me luck (and try to hang on for the entire piece... I'll try to be entertaining!)
The end of my world, Part I:
On the first Sunday of the year, Adam demonstrated a new resolution of his own - or at least showed his resolved to show off some terrible-two previews...
He was getting pretty restless towards the end of sacrament meeting, so I got out his little bottle of milk I keep on hand to help settle him down and buy us time until we could go home and get that much-needed Sunday nap. He grabbed the bottle, took a swig, pulled the bottle out of his mouth, and then looked at me with a look that in hind-sight said, "I wonder how much trouble I'm about to get myself into?"
And with that, he spewed milk wherever it would spew with great glee and gusto. And a little giggle. I thought I was gonna kill him! The family across the aisle from us tried hard not to laugh. He was sitting on my lap at the time, so I scooped him up and found I had a fairly penitent 18-month-old buy the time we reached the kitchen and I could give him the "that was naughty" talk (trying the whole time to not burst out laughing, myself!)
The end of my world, Part II:
So, after the sacrament meeting incident (btw - he luckily didn't have the mouth-strength to get milk anywhere but on himself...), I knew that we had come to the end of bottles in Sacrament meeting. He was having a hard enough time taking to bottles publicly ever since he saw David's cousin's 5-month-old sucking on a bottle that looked identical to his. But, I admit, it has been my "keep-him-quiet" crutch while trying to teach him to enjoy playing quietly in Sacrament meeting.
And then it was Monday. We'd been steadily trying to get him "detoxed" after Christmas (I'll post our 12-step program as soon as I get it figured out). Even though it was the end of the bottle for Church, I knew that I still needed it to help coax him to sleep. Monday night, trying to get him back on schedule, I put him to bed at his pre-Christmas-crazy appointed bedtime of 9:00pm. Hoping to get him to be okay with this action, I lovingly prepared a bottle of warm milk.
He wasn't so thrilled. He SCREAMED. I ignored. He was shrill. I turned on "Mamma's Boys". Soon enough, though, all was still and he was sleeping soundly.
At 4:30am, though, he woke up with a little cry that I thought I could ignore, but soon he was pretty upset, so I got up to try to soothe him back to sleep. I found, however, that he was soaked. Having copious amounts of mommy-compassion, I changed him and his bedsheets in the dark hoping he'd go right back to sleep. I was little surprised that his diaper was pretty dry, but I figured that he'd somehow managed to just "bypass" the diaper. It's happened before.
After everything was changed, I put him back to bed, but he was not interested in sleep. I grabbed his bottle, thinking that some warm milk would help.
I took off the lid, filled the milk, popped it in the microwave, then put the lid back on. And that's when I saw it: the night before he had been so mad at me for putting him to bed, he'd bitten the tip right off of the nipple! He wasn't wet from wetting through his diaper - he'd been soaked with the milk that escaped! Suddenly, my compassion was replaced with a "just desserts" attitude (and, again, amusement - I know... really effective parenting!).
So, that was the end of the bottle. Entirely. Completely. My only regret is that I didn't get a picture of the damage before David threw it away.
The end of my world, Part I:
On the first Sunday of the year, Adam demonstrated a new resolution of his own - or at least showed his resolved to show off some terrible-two previews...
He was getting pretty restless towards the end of sacrament meeting, so I got out his little bottle of milk I keep on hand to help settle him down and buy us time until we could go home and get that much-needed Sunday nap. He grabbed the bottle, took a swig, pulled the bottle out of his mouth, and then looked at me with a look that in hind-sight said, "I wonder how much trouble I'm about to get myself into?"
And with that, he spewed milk wherever it would spew with great glee and gusto. And a little giggle. I thought I was gonna kill him! The family across the aisle from us tried hard not to laugh. He was sitting on my lap at the time, so I scooped him up and found I had a fairly penitent 18-month-old buy the time we reached the kitchen and I could give him the "that was naughty" talk (trying the whole time to not burst out laughing, myself!)
The end of my world, Part II:
So, after the sacrament meeting incident (btw - he luckily didn't have the mouth-strength to get milk anywhere but on himself...), I knew that we had come to the end of bottles in Sacrament meeting. He was having a hard enough time taking to bottles publicly ever since he saw David's cousin's 5-month-old sucking on a bottle that looked identical to his. But, I admit, it has been my "keep-him-quiet" crutch while trying to teach him to enjoy playing quietly in Sacrament meeting.
And then it was Monday. We'd been steadily trying to get him "detoxed" after Christmas (I'll post our 12-step program as soon as I get it figured out). Even though it was the end of the bottle for Church, I knew that I still needed it to help coax him to sleep. Monday night, trying to get him back on schedule, I put him to bed at his pre-Christmas-crazy appointed bedtime of 9:00pm. Hoping to get him to be okay with this action, I lovingly prepared a bottle of warm milk.
He wasn't so thrilled. He SCREAMED. I ignored. He was shrill. I turned on "Mamma's Boys". Soon enough, though, all was still and he was sleeping soundly.
At 4:30am, though, he woke up with a little cry that I thought I could ignore, but soon he was pretty upset, so I got up to try to soothe him back to sleep. I found, however, that he was soaked. Having copious amounts of mommy-compassion, I changed him and his bedsheets in the dark hoping he'd go right back to sleep. I was little surprised that his diaper was pretty dry, but I figured that he'd somehow managed to just "bypass" the diaper. It's happened before.
After everything was changed, I put him back to bed, but he was not interested in sleep. I grabbed his bottle, thinking that some warm milk would help.
I took off the lid, filled the milk, popped it in the microwave, then put the lid back on. And that's when I saw it: the night before he had been so mad at me for putting him to bed, he'd bitten the tip right off of the nipple! He wasn't wet from wetting through his diaper - he'd been soaked with the milk that escaped! Suddenly, my compassion was replaced with a "just desserts" attitude (and, again, amusement - I know... really effective parenting!).
So, that was the end of the bottle. Entirely. Completely. My only regret is that I didn't get a picture of the damage before David threw it away.
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